Coach Erica will lead you on this four week personalized journey to your best self. Quit emotional eating now.
Week 1: Take Accountability
We’ll explore your behavior with a focus on taking accountability. You aren’t a victim to your behavior. And you don’t need someone else to keep you in control. You have free will, and it is your choices alone that determine your success.
By the end of the week, you’ll remove the power from excuses so you can stop getting in the way of your own success.
Week 2: Identify Your Triggers
What happens before you cheat or overeat? Are there certain feelings, experiences, or foods that act as a catalyst?
You don’t just act in a vacuum. Certain things place you in a vulnerable emotional state. Understand what happens RIGHT BEFORE you divert from your plan.
Learn to identify your triggers. That way you can take accountability before a trigger leads to action.
Week 3: Break the Pattern
Once you understand the triggers, how do you break the pattern?
Maybe this means driving the long way home to avoid that fast food restaurant. Or maybe you throw out your kid’s leftovers, so you don’t eat them yourself.
Don’t just promise yourself you’ll “be good”. Get a personalized “binge buster” plan. And now you’ll stop yourself from overeating before you start.
Week 4: Manifest Your New Life
It’s not enough to want to change. You need to believe that change is possible. Thought leads to action.
What does your new life of freedom look like? What does it feel like? And what do you hear when you walk in a room?
You need to focus on not just thinking about your future. You need to FEEL the success. Because feeling like a winner is the first step towards actually winning.
You’ll develop a confident belief in this new, wonderful life. So now you have the power to turn your weight loss goals into measurable success.
Quit emotional eating starting now.
Please email Erica at [email protected] for an interview/consultation.
You get 4 weekly coaching sessions via Zoom or telephone, 2 bonus months of email coaching support, and the potential of a brand new life where you’re in control, and eating feels good.