Earlier this week, I talked about seeds and their amazing health properties. Well, I want to continue talking about healthy fats. Because fat has gotten an unfair bad reputation in recent years. The reality is that it isn’t fat that’s bad for you. The real enemy is the hydrogenated, fried, and processed fats that have become such a big part of modern diets.
Healthy fats are so important. They can be good for your waistline. They’re great for your heart. They’ll protect your brain and your bones. And that’s just a few examples. So you never want to cut fat from your diet. You just want to restrict the bad fats.
So here are 7 amazingly healthy fats. Get ready to get excited about fat again. Because you’ll want to include these healthy fats in your diet daily!
Wild Fish
The omega-3s in fish are so good for your body. They’ve been noted to ease depression. They’ll fight inflammation. And they can reduce joint pain.
Want to know some diseases that omega-3 have been shown to prevent? We’re talking about heart disease, depression, Alzheimer’s, cancers, autoimmune diseases, and more. Omega-3s can be pretty bad-ass if you ask me.
Just make sure you’re getting wild fish. It’s better to eat fish less frequently and splurge for the better stuff. Because the mercury levels in farmed fish are incredibly high. Not to mention that farmed fish are fed antibiotics and totally crappy diets, making them way less nutritious.
Extra Virgin Unrefined Olive Oil
You’ve probably heard that Mediterranean diets are really good for you. They lower disease risk and are great for weight loss. And the healthy fats in olive oil are a big part of this diet.
Olive oil is full of healthy monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFUS). These are healthy fats that are good for the heart. They protect against inflammation. And they’re good for blood sugar levels, protecting against diabetes and helping with weight loss.
It’s healthiest to consume olive oil unheated, as a dressing. And the extra virgin, unrefined variety is best. But olive oil is also one of the healthiest oils to use for cooking because it has a high smoke point. Just make sure to not heat it too high or it will burn and become toxic.
Avocados are one of the most addictive healthy foods out there. They’re so creamy good. Whether you’re eating them as guacamole, or sliced into a salad. And avocado is full of healthy fats.
Just like olive oil, avocado is another source of monosaturated fatty acids. And with that, comes all those health promoting benefits. It’s good for cholesterol, plaque build up in the heart, and – well, you get the idea.
But avocado is also full of tons of vitamins and minerals. Plus it’s an amazing source of fiber, making it great for your digestive system. So avocado is one of those healthy fats that’s just a win/win for your body.
We’ve already talked about how the amazing benefits of omega-3 fatty acids in fish. But here’s what’s amazing about walnuts. They’re one of the best vegetarian sources of omega-3s. Mercury levels in fish make it so you shouldn’t eat it every day. So walnuts are great for vegetarians, pescetarians and meat eaters alike.
Walnuts contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). And ALA can be converted in your body to omega-3s. Which is why they can be so important for your body.
Keep in mind, it’s believed that only a portion of the ALA in your body is converted to omega-3s. And how much your individual body will convert depends on factors, including your overall nutrition. But ALAs are still a heart healthy, anti-inflammatory fat for your body.
What is ghee? It’s clarified butter. And it’s one of those amazing healthy fats. Just make sure that it’s organic, coming from grass-fed cows. As this not only improves dairy’s nutrient level. It also significantly reduces toxins.
Ghee is amazing for a plethora of reasons. It has a good balance of omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids which makes it heart and body friendly. It’s packed full of healthy, fat soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D, and E. Did you know these important nutrients need healthy fats for the body to absorb and use them? Plus the clarifying process in ghee makes it naturally lactose free. Total bonus!
One important thing to keep in mind. Butter is not a great cooking fat because it becomes toxic at very low temperatures. So ghee is best added to food after it’s been cooked.
Organic Grass Fed Beef
Feeling a bit skeptical about seeing beef on a list of healthy fats? Hang in with me here. Because there’s a big health difference between organic grass fed beef and conventionally raised beef.
First, this type of beef has significantly higher levels of a type of fat called conjugated linolenic acid (CLA). This is a polyunsaturated fat that’s really good for you. And CLAs are helpful for things like boosting immunity, building muscle, and fighting against cancer. Not bad, eh?
But the healthy fats in grass fed beef don’t end there. Grass fed beef also has significantly higher levels of heart healthy omega 3s. Additionally, the fat composition in this beef is different. Conventionally raised cows have a worse fat composition due to sedentary lifestyles and diets that aren’t natural for their bodies. Grass fed beef has much lower levels of bad fats and higher levels of good ones. So surprise! Beef can be good for you!
Ha! You knew I was going to include seeds, right? I talked about seeds in detail earlier this week but I’m of course not going to keep these off the list. Seeds are so good for you for a variety of reasons. Think of all the healthy fats in flax seeds, chia, seeds, or sunflowers seeds.
For instance, flax seeds, chia seeds, and hemp seeds all contain the same alpha-linolenic acid found in walnuts. Remembers, ALAs are a precursor to omega-3s. Plus, seeds are good sources of the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated good-for-you fats. And they’re low in the bad-for-you saturated and trans fats.
I won’t bore you going on and on again but what’s great about seeds. You can just check out everything I have to say about them here. But they’re a total boost to the healthy fat in your diet.
So ready to embrace healthy fats again? Fat isn’t something that should scare you. Just make sure to choose the right fats and they’ll help you towards your health and weight loss goals.
I always knew avocado was a ‘good’ fat, so thank you for listing some others. I start the gym tommorow. This will come in handy.
I’m going to add so more avocado, walnuts and wild fish to my diet. I always try to healthy things to eat to keep my body healthy.
Ghee and walnut are something I incorporate into my diet daily. Really had no idea of the rest so will def check out if I can! Thanks for the facts!
I don’t like a lot of raw nuts, but I haven’t really tried adding walnuts into my diet. I’ll have to try that as a salad topper.
Everything I love except for beef and I’ve never tried Ghee. I discovered I can eat organic bison and not get ill. Who knows. And avocados? Oh, my California-dwelling friend, I so miss having them readily–and cheaply–available. Around here it’s a screaming deal to get a puny avocado for $1 and usually lots more. I could eat them every day.
Lol, I joke that the only reason I can’t leave California is because of the avocados. Truly, I’d never even had an avocado before I moved here.