There are lots of weight loss option out there. Many will try to lure you by flaunting pictures of chiseled, skinny and sexy men and women. They tell you that all you have to do is take a pill, count points, buy exercise apparatus, purchase pre-packaged food or eliminate carbohydrates, and this will be you. You want to look hot, so you ask yourself what you have to lose by trying besides weight? More about this later.
First, your friend is just melting fat by eating all protein, so you give low carbohydrate a try. Your first impression is optimistic as you lose weight eating more protein than you can stomach. People even tell you that you look like a stud. This is how it looks from the outside. From the inside, your cells start to starve from lack of carbohydrates for energy. Eventually, your brain becomes foggy. The lack of fiber leads to a backup of waste in your colon leaking fecal toxins throughout your body. Ummm wait, that really doesn’t seem so attractive anymore.
Being a logical person, you abandon low-carb and turn to weight loss pills instead. They must be good since they worked for the woman frolicking in a bikini on the box. You lose a little weight at first so it doesn’t seem to matter that the caffeine, chemicals or other substances in the pill aren’t healthy long term. Then the energized feeling turns to anxiety and insomnia and shockingly enough you have developed gas. You wonder if the bikini woman is sleepy, smelly and stressed like you. Then you discover that the same substances that speed up metabolism can give you high blood pressure. This means possibly heart disease, stroke or erectile dysfunction. Now that definitely isn’t sexy.
Deciding you are going to do it right this time, you opt to do a cleanse. You find lots of information online for a cleanse with cayenne pepper and maple syrup, so you decide to give that one a try. I mean, if detoxing for a day is good for you, detoxing for a week will solve all your problems. You look fabulous right until your body realizes that it is literally starving. It goes into survival mode, stripping glucose (energy) from your muscles and organs. You are consuming no protein which means that your liver can’t properly detox. Now toxins are flooding your body, leading to headaches and acne and worse. On top of that the cleanse ended. Now that you’re eating again you are regaining the weight. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.
You start to realize that through all these diets, you are losing everything but weight. You decide to give sexy one more shot. You do some research and start to understand how food nourishes your body. You say wait a second. You never considered that calories, fats and carbohydrates weren’t the enemy. You are shocked to learn that saturated fats are an integral part of building your cell membranes. You start to understand that the brain can’t control the body properly without carbohydrates. You also discover that vegetables and fruits have healthy things called phytonutrients that can’t be found in a pill. The list goes on. Having properly educated yourself, you throw out the gimmicks and start eating a diet full of varied nutrient rich foods. You no longer feel like you are starving and you just feel good
Next thing you know, you go to the doctor and she tells you that your insides look smoking hot. Inevitably, your outside starts to follow. Now that is sexy.