How can CBD affect your weight?
CBD is a compound that is derived from cannabis plants and which is renowned for providing several benefits. These benefits include reduction of anxiety and the provision of natural pain relief.
This is why people who suffer from chronic pain and mental issues often check out CBD reviews to find the best product for them. However, CBD potentially has other benefits, such as affecting the weight of people who use it.
Potential weight loss effects of CBD
There is still some research we need to do in order to conclusively prove the effect that CBD can have on weight. However, scientific research results have pointed towards CBD being useful in certain aspects of weight loss.
It’s thought that using CBD may be one way of boosting the metabolism. Experts also believe that CBD may help reduce food intake which can in turn aid weight loss.
Scientific studies which have been carried out so far have mostly involved animals such as rats. The results seem positive but more human based results are being compiled.
The ‘browning’ of fat cells
It’s common for us to discuss fat as being all the same, but this is not the case. There are different types of fat.
White fat is the most common form of fat we find in the human body. It serves several different purposes including helping to protect vital organs and storing and providing energy. However, it’s not all good news where white fat is concerned. This is the type of fat that we associate with health problems such as diabetes and heart disease.
We used to think that brown fat only occurred in the bodies of babies. However, we now know that small amounts of this fat are in adult bodies as well. This type of fat is responsible for burning calories and generating heat. It’s usually present in higher amounts in people whose weight is at a healthy level. It’s possible to increase the amount of brown fat in the body by getting the right amount of sleep, exercising regularly and getting daily exposure to cold temperatures.
In an interesting development, early research has suggested that use of CBD can help to increase levels of brown fat in the body. This in turn could help to burn extra calories, thereby helping with weight loss. The research that has been carried out so far has all taken place using a test tube. We require more human based research before we can confirm the potential benefit of CBD.
There is no doubt that there are several health benefits we gain from using CBD. These benefits mainly relate to pain management and relief of mental issues. However, research suggests that CBD can affect weight by boosting metabolism, decreasing food intake and raising levels of brown fat in the body. This research is still in its early days but results have so far been positive. And that’s something to smile about!
Oh boy, now everyone is going to get on the CBD bandwagon, eh? Wait for the rest of the testing.