Here’s my worst case food scenario. I finish everything on my plate and I’m still hungry. This is so annoying if I’m trying to lose weight. Do I get a snack and potentially overeat? Do, I just sit around and feel hungry? Ideally, I’d like to feel full while eating less.
But luckily, there are some things that will help achieve this effect. And these are great tricks to use when trying to eat healthier. Ready to not only eat more mindfully, but in a way that’s more fulfilling? Let’s talk about getting full while eating less!
But before we get started…
My gift to you – a free copy of my new EMOTIONAL EATING CURE.
If you don’t know, I’m a recovering binge eater. In the past, I would eat healthy for a while – that is, until my cravings got the best of me. And then I’d ruin it all by inhaling everything in sight Healing this part of myself supercharged my self-confidence And oh yeah – I went from a size 14, all the way down to a size 2.
My life experience helped me understand about emotional eating and weight loss. Then I went on to earn a Masters Degree in nutrition with a focus on weight loss. And now I know a WHOLE LOT on the subject. I just had to share this stuff.
I go into three categories –
- Body
- Mind
- Soul
Every section won’t apply to you. Pick the ones that resonate with your own issues. We’re all unique. So pay attention to what speaks to you. Again, this is something I’m giving away for free. Get your Emotional Eating Cure now!
And now – back to why you clicked on this link in the first place. Here are my 7 favorite ways to feel full eating less!
Eat foods that are high in fiber
Fiber helps your body stabilize blood sugar levels, so you full faster. Let’s say you eat refined processed carbohydrates like bread, pasta, or potato chips. These foods are quickly digested into sugar.
When you eat foods that quickly turn to sugar, your body quickly stores the sugar as fat with the hormone insulin. But now these calories aren’t readily available for energy. Meaning you’ll feel hungry, even though you just ate. Fiber slows down the release of sugar, providing you energy for longer.
Spice up your food
Certain spices are likely to help you feel full eating less. For instance the heat of chili powder can actually help you feel full. Plus this heat may pump-up your metabolism as well.
And cinnamon is great to help you balance your blood sugar levels. I just talked about how high blood sugar levels can lead to fat storage and hunger. Eating cinnamon on a regular basis can help balance this problem so you feel full faster.
Chew more
Chewing should be an easy demand. I mean, that’s how you get the taste and pleasure from food! But it’s time to get totally honest with yourself. Do you really chew your food well? I’m gonna guess that the answer is NOPE!
Chewing is integral to the satisfaction in eating. Why can you feel hungry after drinking a huge smoothie? Because you didn’t really chew, and you ingested a bunch of calories in a hurry.
So, take this chewing challenge. Chew each bite of food at least 20 times. That way, you’ll not only get more of the flavor of the food. You’ll eat your food slowly and give your brain the opportunity to send out the signals that you’re full.
Eat 5 meals a day instead of 3 –
You may need to eat more often to feel full eating less. Picture this scenario. It’s getting close to dinner, it’s been hours since you last ate, and your stomach is growling. I’m not a gambler but I’ll bet on the fact that you’re about to overeat.
When you eat more frequent but smaller meals, you have less time to become ravenous. Meaning you’re likely to eat more slowly and mindfully. And not feel like you need to binge to feel full.
Eat some healthy fat with every meal
You may try to cut down on fat when eating healthy. But fat doesn’t make you fat. You know what fat actually does? It helps you feel fuller for longer.
Your body digests fat more slowly than any other type of calorie. And that’s the secret behind fat being so filling. Just make sure you’re eating healthy fats like nuts, olive oil, fish oil, or avocado. Not a bunch of fried food or other unhealthy fats.
Stop eating at your desk
You don’t want to multitask while eating. You’ll miss out on so much of the flavor. And we’ve already talked about the importance of chewing and eating slowly.
You might find it difficult to make time to eat that isn’t rushed. Even if you only have time for a snack on the go, try to focus on the basics like chewing and tasting your food. You’ll get more out of what you eat this way.
Drink adequate amounts of water
There are many philosophies to eating. Some say you should drink water with every meal. Others say water during mealtimes disrupts proper digestion. But there’s something they all agree upon. You should be drinking lots of water.
So whether you drink your water with meals, or at another time, make sure to have 6 to 8 glasses a day. Thirst is often confused by the brain as hunger. And this is a sure way to feel hungry, even when you’re not.
So those are 7 ways to feel full eating less. Until we invent magical, calorie-free food, we have to find ways to get more out of what we do eat. And take care not to overeat. And these are some great ways to do that while getting joy out of every bite!
And before you go – pick up my FREE Emotional Eating Cure. It isn’t all in your heard so stop blaming yourself. This is my go-to guide for getting over the emotional aspects of food cravings.
I agree that water helps make one feel full. I found that when I drink less, I tend to eat more. Every. single. time. I also found (at least for myself) that it also helps to eat foods high in protein to feel fuller longer.
Really great tips. I have read that cinnamon is great for blood sugar, my dad takes it as a supplement.
I am dieting but some of the advice are really awesome. My drawers at my desk is filled with snacks and sweets. That is definitely going to be my first step, getting rid of them
OMG I need to follow each of these tips. I tend to overeat so often. Need to keep a check.
Thank you for these tips. Very timely since my doctor asked me to go on a diet but some I feel so hungry all the time. Will start taking smaller meals and try to have 5 instead of 3 in a day.
A while back I really focused on chewing more. I realized I tended to eat fairly quickly, but I think it was a habit that carried over from working in a restaurant. We never got enough time to properly eat.
Oh my gosh…I had those restaurant days too! And I totally hear you about that.
I’m giggling because I meticulously chew my food xx number of times, so it takes an eternity for me to eat. My husband eats super quickly and then has to be patient while I finish. In the good news department, sometimes this means I stop eating early and he finishes my plate! Ha. So maybe that’s #8, have dinner with someone with a crazy metabolism.
I like your tips!
A little something to add to the Eat 5 meals a day instead of 3 section:
If you want to be mindful during mealtime, don’t watch TV while you eat. Just don’t.
Yes! That’s a good one, Andy.