What are diet lies? They are what you tell yourself when you’re feeling uncomfortable on your weight loss journey and are looking for a way to self-sabotage. They aren’t intentional. We’ve all told them from time to time. But they can get in the way of progress.
Shifting to a healthier lifestyle is difficult. It entails giving up the old to embrace the new. It’s no wonder that you just want to creep back into your comfort zone from time to time.
Keep in mind, you probably don’t tell yourself these diet lies from a conscious level. It’s that part of you that feels afraid and uncomfortable in this new healthier space. And desperately wants to go back to the way things were.
So here are 5 diet lies you tell yourself that are getting you nowhere. And before we get started, make sure to download your FREE copy of the Emotional Eating Cure. This is my complete body, mind, & soul healing approach to moving past destructive cravings and overeating for good.
5 diet lies you keep telling yourself but shouldn’t
It’s just a small cheat
It’s true that a small cheat won’t destroy the bigger picture. I tell my clients to forgive themselves and move forward when they veer off course. So one small cheat on its own isn’t an issue. But it becomes a problem when a patter develops.
Picture this -you have a small cheat and you get away with it. So then you have another small cheat. And then another. Until cheats become so regular, they’re an expected part of your week. Small cheats can quickly halt your diet progress. So stop pretending like they’re so innocent.
I don’t want to insult others
Of all the diet lies, this is one of the most difficult. Because changing our own eating patterns can create an emotional reaction in others. Loved ones may feel loss at losing their eating buddy, or feel triggered in their own eating issues.
But you know what’s not your problem? Someone else’s issues. And it’s a lie to tell yourself you must abandon your own aspirations to be good to someone. Explain to your loved ones why this is important to you. And if they don’t understand, send out positive energy that they make peace with whatever your healthy eating may trigger.
I’m on vacation
You can have a great vacation while keeping true to your diet goals. What happens in Vegas may stay in Vegas. But the damage you do to your diet could last long after you’ve unpacked your bags.
Part of any successful weight loss plan is stabilizing your weight loss hormones, balancing blood sugar, and detoxifying inflammation. A cheat meal won’t undo all the hard work you’ve done to achieve this. But a week of sugar, alcohol, and other decadence will set you back.
Never be afraid to ask your waiter to make something special. And focus on what you love about being on vacation that has nothing to do with food. This will help you maximize the non-edible joy you get from your time away.
I was just so hungry and there was nothing to eat.
This is one of the diet lies I hear all the time. And it makes total sense that you’d go off course when your stomach is growling and hunger pains are screaming. But when a client tells me there was nothing to eat, I know they were unprepared.
There are very few places where you can’t bring your own diet friendly food. Lack of preparation is a choice. Always carry diet friendly snacks. Have a light meal before going out to a place that might not be diet friendly. And never be afraid to call ahead to restaurants and hosts to see if they might have something that meets your needs.
I could have done worse
You’re driving around when you all of a sudden find yourself at the McDonalds drive through. It wasn’t planned. But you’re now inhaling a burger and a small fries. But hey, it could have been worse. Your old self would have gotten a supersized meal with a soda, large fries, and even dessert.
This is a tricky one. Because any type of positive behavior modification is commendable. There’s no negating this. But you’ll have a hard time reaching your goals eating crap. So while it’s true this behavior is ‘better’, that doesn’t mean it’s good. Understand the difference.
Losing weight can be difficult. You’re not just changing your diet. You’re altering your traditions, your comfort, and your habits. This is HARD. Which is why it’s easy to fall into these diet lies that seem to offer relief.
Don’t judge yourself harshly when you find yourself succumbing to these excuses. Look at yourself with the same love as you would look at a small child who is learning. And then redirect yourself towards more positive behavior.
And if this information resonates with you, remember to get your free copy of the Emotional Eating Cure. This is full of useful information to help you transform your relationship with yourself and your experience with food to a place of peace. And this will leave you ready to crush your goals, embrace the fitting room, and feel so proud, you’ll hug your own reflection!
All of these hit home, and I’ve fallen off the bandwagon a bit this last half of year and gained a few pounds due to giving in to many of these. It’s time to get back on track!
I always used the vacation one until I realized that every time I came home from a trip, I hated myself! So, the last several, I have tried super hard to make healthy decisions. I lapse–I mean, can I skip Tiramisu at Al Tiramisu in Washington, DC? I can’t. But I’ve sure done better!