When I was younger, I didn’t give a thought to home air quality. Why would I worry about that? But now that I’m older, I’m more aware of all the toxins that float around from things like furniture, paint, and carpets. Gee, air can be downright scary. So I decided to give Air Doctor a try.
Here’s my situation. I just moved to a new home. Sweet! And as a side note – I’m walking distance to the BEACH! How exciting is that?
But I digress.
My new home needed some TLC before I moved in. The carpets in the bedroom were ratty as heck. The paint job was dirty and old. And I had to get a new dining room table. My old apartment was so small, there was literally nowhere to eat!
My younger self wasn’t aware of the downside to all of these upgrades. But older, wiser me is all too aware. All these new additions will leak chemicals. And the chemicals are being released into my sweet new apartment on a daily basis.
Why air quality matters.
Chemicals from things like freshly painted walls and new carpet can float into the air. And when we breath, we inhale those chemicals into our bodies. These can be hormone disrupting chemicals. They can increase the risk of major disease. And they can make allergies worse while compromising overall health.
But those freshly painted walls look so nice!
It sucks to think that making your home beautiful can be a disadvantage for your health. But it can. And that’s why I looked at my options. I mean, there must be a way that you can have freshly painted walls AND your health.
So I started looked at my air purifying options. I wanted to feel secure about the air I’m breathing.
Air Doctor Air Purifier
AIRDOCTOR 4-in-1 Air Purifier UltraHEPA, Carbon & VOC Filters Cleaner Sensor
Once I started looking at air purifies, Air Doctor bombarded me with advertisements in my Instagram and Facebook feed. It seemed reasonably priced – well, for an air filter. And it came recommended by influencers I know like Dr. Mark Hyman and Wellness Mama.
When buying a total home air filter, it’s important to choose one with a HEPA and a carbon block filter. The HEPA filter is important for filtering out major allergens. The carbon removes VOCs and other hazardous chemicals. Both are important for a healthy life. And the Air Doctor has both good quality HEPA and carbon filters.
I was intrigued. And after a week or two of seeing it pop up in my feed, and a little bit of research, I gave in. My new Air Doctor air filter arrived at my door in just a few days.
It arrived in a pretty large box. But when I took it out, I was surprised that it wasn’t heavy. Somehow, I expected it to be big and industrial. But it was so cute, and super easy to move.
So I plugged it in. And here’s what happened next
Getting it ready to use was pretty simple. I just removed some wrapping from the filters and it was good to go. Then I turned it on and waited to see what happened next.
I learned there’s a light in the front of the machine that indicates the air quality and determines the filter speed. Red means that the air quality is very bad, orange means moderately bad, and blue means good. At red, you can hear the filter running at a higher speed. When the machine reads blue, it’s super quiet.
When I first turned it on, the light sensor displayed as red. Oh no – my air is super toxic. But then it quickly moved to orange. And then finally changed to blue and got quiet.
It has mostly stayed at blue since then. However, the day my husband spent hours shredding old documents, the filter swiftly moved to red. I didn’t notice the paper dust, but the filter did. Which gave me some odd satisfaction because it showed me it was actually working.
So does the Air Doctor air filter work?
Using an air filter requires a bit of faith. I mean, we can’t see the toxins swirling around. So we can’t verify that they’re gone.
I do feel that I wake up a bit less congested. And while this is way more than an allergy (HEPA) filter, this indication is a good start. And as I said, I liked that it picked up when there was lots of paper dust. That let me know that it’s doing something.
The cost of the replacement filters is relatively reasonable. So all and all, I feel good about this purchase. Can I prove that it is cleaning my air? No. But seeing the blue light telling me that my air quality is good makes me feel protected. And that’s something.
Does the MyDoctor Air filter produce negative ions?
I would contact Air Doctor. I’m sure they could give you an answer. I’m not positive myself.
I see what you did there! : )