Bloating is something many of us experience at some point. But Shhh!!! Nobody wants to talk about it. It’s become just one of those suffer in silence kind of things. But it really is so common. So today I want to talk about some common things that cause stomach bloating. Let’s bring the topic back out into the open, where it should be.
But first a disclaimer – There are many innocent reasons for stomach bloating. This is why it’s so prevalent. But there are some reasons for bloating that require medical attention. So if you’re newly experiencing consistent bloating problems, pay your doctor a visit first.
Then check out some of these very common things that may be to blame for your bloating. Finding the reason for the bloat can be a game of trial and error. And surely this isn’t an all-inclusive list. But here are some common things that may be to blame.
Eating too fast
When you gulp down your food, you take in more than nutrients. You accidentally swallow a good amount of air. And that air can travel right through your digestive system, causing your stomach to bloat.
Your mom probably told you to slow down and chew your food. And that’s still good advice. Not only will that help your brain register the food you eat, meaning you’ll likely eat less. But it will help prevent you from swallowing air. And this may help you prevent the bloat.
Lots of birthdays
As you get a few more candles on your birthday cake, you may notice a few things. You may have more grey hairs. You’re 20/20 vision may turn blurry. Your back may give out from time to time. And there’s one thing you probably don’t think about.
Your digestion will get weaker with every birthday.
For instance, you tend to produce less hydrochloric acid after age 50. And you may not be producing as many digestive enzymes as well. And all of this can compromise digestion and cause bloating.
The good thing is you can supplement with digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid which can help. Though it’s always best to do so under the supervision of a healthcare provider who can best guide you.
Dairy (casein or lactose)
When you think of having a bad reaction to dairy, you likely assume that means lactose intolerance. And (bing, bing, bing!) – you may be right! But did you know that lactose isn’t the only part of dairy to which people react?
Casein is a milk protein. And many people have a sensitivity to the casein in milk. So if you’ve been drinking lactose-free milk and wondering why you’re still experiencing symptoms, this may be an answer.
Unfortunately there isn’t a magic pill for casein. Though many people find success by eliminating dairy entirely for a few months. After which you can reintroduce it’ And this may allow you to occasionally drink dairy without symptoms in the future.
Raw Fruits and Vegetables
Many fruits and vegetables contain a sugar that’s hard for the body to break down. They also contain quite a bit of dietary fiber. And this can make them hard to digest. You may especially have difficulty if you’re not used to eating fruits and vegetables.
But this isn’t an excuse not to eat your veggies. These are so important for your health. But you do want to minimize stomach bloating.
One of the simplest ways to do this is to cook your fruits and vegetables. This makes them much easier to digest. You can also mix in vegetable juicing. This gives you some of the nutrients without much of the fiber.
Carbonated Beverages
It might not surprise you that carbonated beverages and sodas can cause stomach bloating. These drinks are literally made from gas. Now combine this with the fact that you’ll likely gulp them down at record pace. Gas filled air gets caught in your stomach! Talk about uncomfortable.
Plus you may drink these at meals with other difficult to digest foods. And this might create a bloating nightmare. Enjoy these drinks in moderation, away from other difficult to digest items.
No surprises here! Beans can be quite difficult to digest. And their reputations precedes them.
But here’s a trick to help reduce this bloating phenomena. You soak the dried beans overnight in warm salt water before you cook them. This is because the water absorbs some of the complex sugars that are hard for your body to breakdown. So less gas and less bloating!
Western medicine tends not to test for candida. But candida is a fungus that can cause an overgrowth. And it’s more likely to occur if you’ve taken multiple courses of antibiotics, hormonal birth control, or if you’ve spent years eating a low-nutrient, processed diet.
Testing for candida is usually done by alternative medicine practitioners. So if you suspect candida, you may want to speak with your chiropractor or acupuncturist. There are also home-tests you can purchase online, but make sure you purchase from a reputable company.
When candida is diagnosed, you then must focus on eating foods that don’t feed the candida. This usually means a sugar-free diet (including no fruit sugar), and a diet generally low in carbohydrates. There are certain proteins and fats to avoid as well.
So today we went over some of the most common things to blame with bloating. It sucks being uncomfortable. So see if any of these might be the cause of your problem. And that way, your bloating can become a thing of the past!
Okay so this makes me feel a little bit relieved. I could never tell people that when I take fruits, I get bloated. Or that when I have heartburn and take milk, I get bloated. Thanks for this. I always just guessed I took a combination of other things that are responsible for it.
Great info. I know that since I’ve got off sugar and wheat I don’t bloat.
Yep, those few extra candles do all the difference!! It is amazing how your diet changes with age how you regret when you forget LOL
Thanks for posting this. I really suffer with bloating and I feel like I have tried everything. It gets really furstrating and depressing.
I always try to avoid these foods if I can! It’s just never fun to feel bloated.
Candida is a huge reason for bloat that many people overlook or are just unaware of! That & leaky gut! Great info…thanks for sharing!
-Madi xo |
Wow, I had NO idea eating too fast could cause bloating. I eat like it’s a race so now I’m not surprised I’m always bloated lol
Since I was a (mostly) vegetarian for twenty some years, the fruit and veggies don’t bloat me–except lettuce. I’ve been heard to refrain, as I eat my salad, I hate lettuce, I hate lettuce. ha ha. I love milk and never thought about it being a cause for that. At 59, though, I have sure noticed that my body no longer rebounds from things the way that it used to. My doctor recommended Benefiber–with the prebiotic–to help with some of these issues. I didn’t notice a real difference, but she think it’s a good idea.
I feel like doctors recommend certain things to EVERYONE over a certain age. It’s definitely worth trying. But there isn’t a single solution that benefits everyone. You’ve got to experiment to see what works for you.
I’m starting to think Benefiber is giving me more bloat!
Make sure to drink tons of extra water if you are taking fiber supplements.