My love of cosmetics started when I was about 12 years old. There was nothing like going to the store and buying what seemed to be hope in a bottle. Every product was the next thing to transform your skin, make your hair glisten and having you look like a model on a magazine cover. As I got older, and I became more fearful of toxic overload, I started letting go of my cosmetic addiction. Oh my gosh, this broke my heart. But after I started reading labels, I realized that much of the hope in these bottles was actually just a bunch crazy chemicals. And that is why I now love making natural cosmetics at home.
Creating your own natural cosmetics is just a smart thing to do. It takes all the fun of arts and crafts from your youth. And it combines it with all the common sense of putting the same quality of ingredients onto your body that you would put into your mouth. And as an added bonus, homemade natural cosmetics save you money! You could spend $50 on a chemical filled eye cream. Or you could make your own at home for a couple of dollars. Hard decision, right?
And you don’t need any fancy apparatus to start developing your own nourishing concoctions. You just need a few glass or BPA-free plastic containers, a few essential oils and some other everyday ingredients that are probably already sitting on your kitchen shelves. Wow, this is too easy!
And to get you started, I’m going to give you directions for 3 natural cosmetics you can make at home!
Facial Cleanser:
This cleanser has just 3 ingredients: honey pure aloe vera gel and (optional) jojoba oil. The honey is antioxidant rich, protective of the skin, moisturizing and even has antibacterial qualities that can prevent breakouts. The aloe vera gel is super nourishing to the skin. It helps grow healthy cells, fights aging and can be relieving for eczema and other skin problems. Finally, the jojoba oil offers added protection for those who have oily or acne prone skin. It is helpful with drying facial oil and easing breakouts. Just make sure to purchase pure jojoba oil as additives can cause skin flair-ups.
- 1/2 cup honey
- 1/2 cup aloe vera gel
- 2 tsp jojoba oil (optional)
Add all the ingredients to a glass jar and stir. Use a wood stick applicator or a kitchen spoon to scoop the cleanser into your hands. Then spread the cleanser onto your face. Let sit for 1 to 5 minutes (10 minutes for deep cleaning). Wash completely to remove. Store at room temperature.
Homemade Mouthwash
There’s nothing like the confidence that comes with having a fresh clean mouth. This creation contains the cleaning powerhouse baking soda which is preventative against gum disease, halitosis and is soothing to the mouth. It also includes peppermint oil which eases inflammation of the mouth, while making your sparklers feel fresh and clean.
- 2 cups water
- 6 drops peppermint essential oil
- 2 tsp of baking soda
Mix all ingredients. Store in a glass or a BPA-free plastic container. Shake before using.
Homemade Eye cream
I’ve always believed that anti-aging comes more from what you put in your body rather than what you put on it (especially if what you’re putting on it is a bunch of chemicals.) But the simplicity of this eye cream makes it extremely nourishing. Vitamin E is full of anti-aging antioxidants. Coconut oil promotes collagen production, thereby preventing wrinkles. And the rosehip oil helps fight bothersome dark under eye circles. Who said things have to be complicated to be effective?
- 1/2 cup coconut oil
- 1/2 tsp Vitamin E oil or the oil from 2 Vitamin E capsules
- 2 drops rosehip oil
Gently melt the coconut oil. If using Vitamin E capsules, puncture the capsule to squeeze out the liquid. Then combine the rest of the ingredients in a jar and refrigerate. Use a wood stick applicator or a spoon to dispense.
Cosmetics are a complete mystery to me. But your suggestions for making natural cosmetics using recognizable ingredients surely sounds superior to buying a mix of mysterious chemicals.
So true, Ken. Chemicals are scary!
Great homemade cosmetics options, Erica. When I was a teenager, I found an article in a magazine that talked about cosmetics made with homemade products. It was great for a cashed strapped teen and even made my skin feel wonderful. To this day, I only buy products with minimal ingredients and it seems to work because, please always say I look younger than my age. Thanks for sharing. I will be trying your recipes with my daughter. =)
Just like with food, it is so important to read the ingredients. Great you figured that out so young.
Home made cosmetics? I like the idea as you are certain of every ingredient being absorbed on your body. Eye cream is a product I will invest in soon as I have noticed a few creases here and there!
If you have sensitive skin, as I do it is not recommended to change products on a regular basis. I am loyal to clean and clear exfoliating facial scrub.
Thank you for sharing!
I’m certainly not an skin care expert. But, like you, I have sensitive skin. And I was told that I should slowly switch to any new product. So start by using it every other day (while using the old product on the days imbetween). That gets your skin used to the new product.
These sounds wonderful Erica. I have all the ingredients on hand now to make the mouthwash so I think I’ll give that a try this afternoon. Thanks!
Great, Marquita! Let me know how the mouthwash goes.
Wow, thank you Erica. I’ve always thought it would require a cauldron, spider feet and the tail of a speckled newt to create homemade cosmetics. I love your recipes and will try them out!.
Gina, my tail of speckled newt recipe is coming next week! 😉
Thanks Erica – I love making cosmetics at home – it always makes me feel a bit virtuous, like I’m really putting one over on you chemical guys out there and saving piles of money. Your recipes sound really good and will be added to my collection.
Lenie, I would have imagined that you’ve found a way to make great personal care products at home! I would have been disappointed to hear otherwise.
I like the idea of making your own natural cosmetics and these look simple enough to master. I appreciate that you listed the purpose of each ingredient.
It is good to understand what benefits you’re going to get from a product, isn’t it?
Ah yes, the many wonders of coconut oil. I’ve used it to remove eye makeup (as well as polish my leather boots among other things) but I like the idea of using it to make homemade eye cream. Thanks for the idea.
Wow, I’ve never polished boots with coconut oil?!! I’m going to have to give that a try.
I love the idea of making your own homemade cosmetics, I’m a no-fuss kinda girl and I don’t usually wear make up or other beauty products. But your suggestions on homemade cosmetics seem so easy to do, even a total make up klutz like me might just be able to pull them off. Thanks for sharing!
Rosary, I’m a makeup klutz too! But these really are so simple.
I like the content of this post. When you make your own products, at least you know what is in them. So many products list chemical names that you have to be a scientist to understand,
When I was researching my medieval novel, I was fascinated about the products they used, rudimentary mouthwashes and toothpaste was just a few.
Great point! We really are one of the first generations to use chemicals daily on our bodies. We’re a scientific experiment and we don’t even question it.
Thank you for the recipes Erica! Do you have an essential oil brand that you recommend? I’ve recently become obsessed with essential oils (doterra) and was overwhelmed with the amount of info online as to which is the best/most pure/natural. Thanks!
Nancy! 😉 The only brand I know a lot about is doterra because I know quite a few people who sell it. I’m told over and over again about how it is very high quality so that is the brand I would recommend.
From what I’ve researched, Young Living is comparable. Also, since you’ve expanded your animal family, I just read that some oils are toxic to cats. And, some (citrus and peppermint) are just annoying to cats. Thanks for all of the info on staying healthy! ?
Love the last one in particular, Erica, and will whip some of this up for a try. You are spot on about all the chemicals–sometimes I read those ingredient lists and think: Seriously? How do they sell this?
Homemade natural cosmetics is a trend these days