Trying to lose weight can make you want to run into a well insulated room, take a deep breath, and scream it all out. I get it. I’ve lived through those days too. It’s horrible when you think you’re doing everything right and the scale is just stuck on a big “f@#ck you!”. But wait! Before you run off in a pit of despair, consider if you’re making one of these weight loss mistakes. These simple “uh-ohs” can mean the difference between a hooray and a boo on the scale!
5 deadly weight loss mistakes you’re probably making
Your breakfast is too dependent on the wrong whole grains
Maybe you start the morning with a whole grain bagel. Or you have a packet of sweetened oatmeal. Or maybe you have some healthy sounding whole grain granola. But you know what all these breakfast options have in common? They’re either full of sugar or are so processed that they turn instantly to sugar in the body. The ideal weight loss breakfast will include a good source of protein and some vegetables. But stay away from the sweetened or overly-processed grains. These weight loss mistakes are the worst things for a fat burning day.
You’re eating too little
Eating extra light can make you feel accomplished. But surprise! This is a sure recipe for disaster. When you undereat, you ramp up the hormones that promote cravings. You might not feel the effects right away. But after a few days of too light eating, hunger signals start going through the roof. And after a couple weeks, you’ll probably collapse face-down into a pint of Cherry Garcia. Less isn’t more with weight loss. You need to eat a minimum amount or you’ll be doomed before you start.
You think snack is a 4 letter word
Because it clearly has 5 letters, see? But that’s not really the point. The point is that snacking can be diet destructive when you’re munching on chips, cookies and other empty calories. But it can be a saving grace when it’s done right. A healthy snack can stop you from sitting down to your next meal with a ravenous tummy. And since most binges happen after suppertime, the healthy afternoon snack can be a #1 evening binge deterrent.
You weigh yourself every day
Let’s get this straight. The fat in your body isn’t the only factor that determines that number on the scale. Your muscles, your hormonal cycle and your hydration level are a sampling of factors that also play a part. Small daily weight fluctuations very often have nothing to do with fat. But it sure feels disastrous when you discover you’re .05 pounds more than you were yesterday (gasp!) Since you tend to stay more on track when you’re winning, give your diet the best shot possible. And keep the daily weigh-in out of your morning routine.
You focus on the wrong information on a food label.
Smart shoppers read food labels. But many dieters get sidetracked on the wrong part of the label. You might feel good about a meal when you see that its low-calories and low-fat. But do you know how much sugar you’re eating? A food can be low calorie and low-fat and have a “holy crap!” amount of sugar. And high sugar foods are weight gain foods. So next time you view a food label, look a little lower down than you may be accustomed. You may find some vital information that will help put your diet back on track.
Little things matter.
Are you making these weight loss mistakes?
So you made a big mistake. Huge! We all make mistakes. That’s human. It doesn’t mean that all is lost. But you know what goes against humanity? Giving up in despair. Fixing something small can make a humongous difference. Still don’t believe me? Well, there’s only one way for you to know for sure. What weight loss mistakes are you making? See what fixing them does to your diet starting today!
Ready to move past your diet mistakes? Contact Erica about a free 20 minute phone/skype coaching consultation at [email protected]
Great tips on how NOT to lose weight. Some diets are quick fix solutions and cannot be sustained long term. Using the correct portion sizes can make all the difference. Eliminating foods you enjoy leads to resentment and binge eating which only sabotages a diet.
A lot of diets are really quick fixes. Glad you found these to be some good tips!
Great tips! I’ve made a couple of those mistakes myself, I’ve learned that I don’t do so well on diets so now I try exercising regularly to maintain my weight instead of eating less. I just love food too much! Thanks for sharing these tips though!
Rosary, I think most of us have made some of these mistakes. We live and learn.
Informative as always! A couple of months ago I was introduced to an amazing recipe for making oatmeal (steel cut oats) in my slow cooker and I am hooked! I’ve played with adding all sorts of fruits and nuts and recently discovered how wonderful savory oatmeal is using fresh herbs and roasted vegetables. Meat has never been a big part of my diet anyway, but these days it’s a rare treat and I just don’t miss it. Thanks for the tips!
Marquita, that oatmeal sounds really good. Honestly, I’ve most only made quick oats in my life, but that sounds delicious.
Hi Erica. I so agree with you about snacks. I often reach for a healthy snack like nuts in the afternoon.
That sounds good, Doreen. Afternoon is usually when you need it.
I’m definitely going wrong when it comes to snacks, despite being aware of it 🙁
Thank you, Erica, for the push I needed
Sushmita, glad you found this to be a helpful push. And yes, snacks can make such a difference.
What great things to pay attention to. I vary my breakfast between protein shakes with fruit, cereal or the infamous bagel. Looks like I’ll be sticking to the protein shakes from here on out!
Or you can try oatmeal with some protein powder if you don’t feel energized enough in the morning having shakes every day. Oatmeal has better quality grains if it isn’t sweetened and the protein powder is for energy.
Hello Erica; Each of these could have been their own post. Great Work I especially like the one about weighing yourself. In my last book where I wrote about what I had to learn prior to having gastric surgery I advised some people to think about how the number on the scale effects them and their behavior and to consider only weighing once a week or even ditching the scale all together for a while so they can focus on healthy habits rather than that number. Thanks Max
Maxwell, that is good advice you gave. It is much more important to focus on how you feel in your clothes. That will tell you a lot.
I think every one of us who has been, or is, dieting has made these or similar mistakes.
It is the little things that matter. I remember a phrase I learned in the military, a lot of small leaks, can sink one big battleship. This is true for dieting, you make enough small mistakes, and soon it will destroy your whole outcome of your diet.
I love that expression, William. That really does apply to dieting (and, of course, a lot of other things in life.)