You know that fancy skin cream you bought at $50 a bottle? Well, it can’t really do its job on its own. It is dependent on your diet. Because to be truly beautiful and glowing, your beauty regimen must start on the inside.
What you eat can age or preserve your youthful qualities. And the impact of your diet is much more powerful than anything that comes in a bottle. The foods you eat actually builds the individual cells in your body. Eat a nutritious diet and you are building vibrant, healthy cells. Eat a depleting diet and you’ll build misshapen cells.
So don’t starve your body. And don’t feed it junk. Eat a varied, nutritious diet to make your skin glow.
Fat that make your skin glow!
Omega-3 – The omega-3 fatty acids from fish feed the cells of your skin. Healthy oils help the skin retain moisture and maintain elasticity. Choose wild fish if possible to reduce toxic mercury exposure (anything toxic is aging.) Some lower mercury fish options are salmon, cod, trout, or herring. While fish is best, you can also try flax seeds, walnuts or hemp seeds for omega-3 fatty acids as well.
Vitamins that make your skin glow
Vitamin C – this vitamin is good for more than just beating a cold. It helps easy inflammation and aids in the production of healthy skin collagen Many topical skin products contain vitamin c. But your skin will be healthiest when you’re eating enough of it. So eat fruit and vegetables like kiwi, broccoli, papaya, bell pepper, citrus fruit, berries, dark leafy greens and tomatoes.
Vitamin E – This vitamin is a fat-soluble powerful antioxidant that can directly help repair skin. It is also anti-inflammatory and can help heal damage from sun exposure. Many foods that are high in vitamin c are also high in vitamin e. This includes dark leafy greens, kiwi and broccoli. And certain fish like salmon and trout are good sources of vitamin e as well as omega-3 fatty acids. Other good sources of vitamin e are avocado, sweet potato, olive oil and nuts.
Vitamin A – This vitamin is important for the maintenance and repair of tissue. When levels are low, you’ll likely find yourself with dry, flaky skin. And while many beauty products contain vitamin a in the form of retinoids, you need to get enough of this vitamin is in the diet. Luckily you have many fruits and vegetables to choose from. Some excellent sources are carrots, sweet potatoes, leafy greens and red peppers.
Minerals to make your skin glow
Selenium – This trace mineral is missing in many modern diets due to modern farming practices that deplete soil of essential minerals. Selenium is instrumental in the formation of glutathione, a vital antioxidant that protects against cellular damage and inflammation. Selenium is also believed to be protective against skin cancer and acne. Eat a couple brazil nuts a day as an easy way to include enough selenium in the diet. Other good options are crimini mushrooms, sunflower seeds, and tuna,
The bottom line
The bottom line is fruit, vegetables, fish and healthy fats are powerhouse foods for the skin. They are also pretty good for the rest of the body as well. No need to spend your whole paycheck on the next miracle in a bottle. You can pull that miracle right out of the refrigerator!
An important reminder Erica. I think most of us connect nutrition with health, but maybe not so much about the effect on our skin.
Marquita, part of the reason I started studying nutrition was because of this. I had skin problems for years that were solved entirely by diet. And I was like, why did my doctor’s never tell me about this?
I also believe that you need to look after your body on the inside and the outside will glow. It is pointless eating junk and not exercising them buying products which claim to perform miracles. I immediately notice the difference in my skin when I drink water on a regular basis. Also lack of sleep begins to show on one’s face – does not stop me from having late nights though!
Great to know kiwi, berries and tomatoes help to repair skin. I eat all three of these.
Phoenicia, you mentioned two things for skin that I didn’t mention. Sleep and water are both vital for healthy skin.
Super post, Erica. I feel proud of myself, as we ate fish 2x this weekend and I always eat a good variety of fruits and veggies. I’ll have to incorporate more Brazil nuts into my diet, though, as they are not something I eat too often although I do love most other nuts.
Selenium is really the one that most people who try to eat healthy still miss. So definitely try incorporating a couple of Brazil nuts in your daily diet.
I agree. I know I feel better and my skin looks better when I eat cleanly. Thank you for sharing these tips.
It is so important to remember that feeling good will usually translate into looking good as well.
Good reminder about the impact of diet on our bodies. This is a much nicer way to achieve great skin than adding a lot of chemicals onto the face.
Yes, diet first – skin products second!
You’ve named some of my favorite foods, Erica. Now, if I could just be disciplined to eat them on a weekly basis. 🙂
There are times I think I could live on Brazil Nuts and sweet potatoes.
The doctor suggested that I start Selenium a few months ago to help boost my thyroid. Do you think that’s why I’m suddenly thinking my skin looks better? 🙂
Your thyroid working better will have a positive impact on your skin. A symptom of hypothyroidism is dry, dull flaky skin. So imagine that is why you see the difference. I imagine the selenium is having a positive impact as well, but probably more so the thyroid.
Not eating junk truly is great advice for the skin since it can be affected from the inside and the outside. I used to take fish oil pills, but got sick of the aftertaste. I do try to eat fish a couple times a week though.
Great suggestions and tips. When I read about some vitamins, such as E. I actually remember when the news about how beneficial they were came out. It seems we are constantly getting updated and learn more each year.