So, you feel like crap... Do you suspect that there was a time when you felt better than you do today? You can't really put your finger on it. Maybe you had more energy. Perhaps you could eat with less discomfort. Your skin didn't feel so dry and itchy. Your breakouts felt more “age appropriate”. You just generally felt more vibrant. What if I told you that there is a possibility … [Read more...] about Bloated? Depressed? The Reason You Feel Like Crap
The Dangers with Fasting and Weight-Loss
Why is fasting is popular for weight loss? So flash back to my college days. Here I was, awkward in my body, feeling anything but sexy and thinking that all of my problems could disappear easy peasy if I could snap my fingers and become a skinny girl. I just needed to figure out how to lose weight for long enough and in a consistent enough way to reach my goals. I was stuck in this body that I … [Read more...] about The Dangers with Fasting and Weight-Loss
Diet Preparation: Steps to Take BEFORE Your Next Diet
Why diet preparation? You're committed to making positive changes in your health and your waistline. Congratulations! I applaud you for making improvements for your well-being. But what is your diet preparation? Because if you tell yourself that you'll start your diet on Monday, but you haven't properly prepared, you've already set yourself up for failure. Diet preparation goes deeper than … [Read more...] about Diet Preparation: Steps to Take BEFORE Your Next Diet
My Health Trend Picks for the New Year
A new year always brings about fresh possibilities and a new health trend. We start with a blank slate. What will happen in the days ahead? Anything is possible. But there is one thing that I know for sure. There will be a new health trend, a bandwagon for everyone to jump upon and a seemingly easy solution to getting into your skinny jeans. What will be the next hot health trend? Your guess is … [Read more...] about My Health Trend Picks for the New Year
5 Ways Herbs Can Heal Your Body
When I was growing up, I remember always getting a piece of parsley with restaurant dishes. And I considered parsley to be just some fancy decoration to brush to the side. Then one day I saw somebody put it in their mouth, chew, swallow and live! Parsley is edible? Who knew! And that was my introduction to edible and healing herbs. How can herbs help heal the body? While there are numerous ways … [Read more...] about 5 Ways Herbs Can Heal Your Body