This is the time of year where people proclaim “out with the old and in with the new”! And all the better when we apply this to our bodies. Most of us have some type of internal congestion. And a quick cleanse can be the answer to feeling great and living fabulous. Because getting rid of all the gunk that we’ve built up over the years isn’t just liberating. It can be life saving.
I used to keep and scream and the very idea of trying to detox. Nooooo! Don’t make me do it! But now I do them a couple of times a year and actually look forward to it. I kid you not! Cleansing is a time to let yourself rest, get back to basics and just take it easy on yourself. And how do I know it’s time to get back to basic, clean eating? Well, here are a few of the top signs.
Top 8 Signs You Need A Quick Cleanse
Your skin looks dull
Your skin can be an outward depiction of your health. So, when the skin looks dull, that is a hint that there’s some internal work to be done. If you find that you’re using every brightening cream out there, put the cosmetics down and start focusing on the internal.
You keep forgetting things
Internal toxicity directly affects how the mind works. And one of the clearest indications of toxicity is constant brain fog. If you’re the type that would lose your head if it wasn’t attached, then a quick cleanse might be just what you need to feel back to yourself mentally.
You feel bloated
Do you just just feel puffy? Bloating is an indication by the body that something is amiss. And if bloating is accompanied by other symptoms, it might be an indication of something more serious. But for many, a quick cleanse will help detox the system and relieve the bloat.
You have general aches and pains
Somehow we’ve been brainwashed into thinking that we should expect a level of aches and pain as we age. This isn’t true. General aches are an indication of some type of internal inflammation. And resting the body via a cleanse is one of the best ways to soothe inflammation and help relieve some of those aches and pains.
You’re depressed
Let’s get real. I’m not talking about clinical depression here. But if you’ve been feeling generally blue and aren’t sure why, it could be a result of both inflammation and a blood sugar imbalance. Both of these have an effect on your neurotransmitters and influence how you feel.
You’ve gained weight
Detox is a valuable first step to weight loss. Do you know the first place your body stores toxins? In your fat cells! And when you lose fat cells via weight loss, those toxins get dumped right back into the body. Which causes increased toxicity and inflammation and can often create a weight loss plateau.
You don’t sleep soundly
Toxic congestion often leads to hormonal chaos and blood sugar spikes and slumps. And this can lead to not only trouble falling asleep, but trouble staying asleep. Or maybe you wake just not feeling rested. Resting the body is one of the greatest benefits of a cleanse and can lead to peaceful sleep.
You feel like you need sugar to get through the day
Wanting something sweet from time to time is normal. But actual sugar cravings are not. The body craves sugar when it’s depleted. So your constant sweet tooth is a cry from your body to do some internal cleaning.
How to do a quick cleanse
A quick cleanse doesn’t have to mean drink nothing but vegetable juice or eating tree bark. There are fabulous cleanses that involve eating real food.
A cleanse that lasts more than a day or two should always involve lots of protein (healthy animal or vegetarian sources) Amino acids from protein are integral to the cleansing process. Organs like your liver and gallbladder can’t cleanse without them.
Your cleanse should exclude all types of sugar except the natural sugar from fruit. This includes more natural sounding sugar like coconut sugar and agave.
You should eat lots of fiber. 5 to 8 servings of vegetables a day or ideal.
Running to the bathroom nonstop is not necessarily the sign of a good cleanse. Many “detox” supplements include herbs that give you the runs. This can give you the feeling of detoxing without necessarily making any progress. The point of a detox is to consume nutrients that support the organs of detoxification like the liver and the gallbladder. When you properly support these organs, you might see subtle shifts in your bathrooms habits (especially if you started out constipated). But don’t be disappointed if you don’t feel like you’re not massively emptying your colon.
An ideal cleanse can last anywhere from 7 days to a few weeks.
Anything that sounds like a gimmick, probably is. Don’t do it.
Where can I find a good quick cleanse?
Try the new Clean Start Program.
It has everything you need from meal plans, to a cookbook to an eating restaurants guide, as well as 3 amazing detox bonuses. You’ll have lots to eat while cleansing your body and feeling amazing. Get the whole plan by CLICKING HERE!
Here’s What Others Say About The Program
“I got to the point where I knew I needed to make a change. My body just didn’t feel like it was working the way it should and I was tired most of the time. My skin has become so vibrant that my facialist thought I’d bought a bunch of the expensive beauty products she’d suggested. I don’t feel tired all the time anymore and now I have a new relationship with food.” – Lynn L
“My stomach had not felt quite right for a number of years. This cleanse was exactly what I needed.” – Heather V”
Here”s What You Get!
- Detox plan with sample menus so you know exactly how to start cleansing
- A cookbook with breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack options so you never have to wonder what to eat
- An eating at restaurants guide so you can be social and have fun
- #1 Bonus: Beyond The Detox Video for further detox benefits so you can keep the great cleansing feeling going long after the detox
- #2 Bonus: Guide to body brushing so you can detox extra every morning in under 2 minutes
- #3 Bonus: 21-day gratitude journal so you can detox your mind as well as your body
Sign up for Clean Start for the value price of $9.99 and start feeling your best today!
Do any of the symptoms of body congestion and inflammation sound familiar to you? Then try a detox today. You might just be amazed with how vibrant, energetic and healthy you can feel!
Detoxes are underrated. They can work wonders for your internal and external body. Over Christmas we (well I) tend to snack more than usual and in the New Year feel slightly sluggish. When you eat healthily you feel healthy and your skin glows.
I think so many of us do a little snacking over the holidays. I say that’s totally fine (within reason of course). But then you’ve just got to do a little work in the new year!
I’ve been working to get the refrigerator fully in gear for your Seeds of Transformation program because of this very thing. Vacation combined with the holidays had me feeling physically blah because of the food and alcohol intake. It’s felt good to go back to a healthy protein shake for breakfast, up the veggies, dump the caffiene and alcohol. Sugar is always the easiest one for me to skip.
I’ll let you know if my freckled skin looks any different in a couple of weeks. 🙂
You’re lucky that it is easy for you to skip sugar. That one is a challenge for so many. Glad to hear you’re getting back on track after a fun vacation!
I have never done a cleanse. Perhaps one day I will.
Cheryl, you should give a cleanse a try. I think you might be very surprised by the benefits.
I’ve always wanted to do a cleanse, but have never given it a proper go. This would be a good time of year to do so as the span of time from Thanksgiving to New Year’s finds so many of us overindulging. Moderation is a much better choice, but I never met a boat of gravy that I didn’t like 😉
I think getting yourself to take the first step in doing a cleanse is the hardest for many. The good thing is that it is temporary.
Sounds like a wonderful program and the quick cleanse is something I should seriously consider. I’m inside almost all the time with my new winter environment and while I’ve never been a snacker, I am eating heavier foods because of the cold and also feeling kind of sluggish – which could be the lack of exercise. Since there’s still two months of cold weather ahead it’s time to create a plan of action. Thanks for the inspiration Erica!
I remember experiencing that phenomena when I lived in a colder climate. I think it is important to honor how you’re feeling and then explore healthy ways to self-nurture. It is a challenge though.
I have never done a detox because I feel like it’s such a fuss to watch what you eat and what ingredients I’m allowed or not allowed to consume. But I do understand that once in a while it is a good idea to do a detox. Maybe I will try it this year. Thanks for sharing!
It can actually feel liberating to eat simply for a short period. You should definitely give it a try – even if just for a few days.
Need to try it out Erica, wondering why I haven’t by now. Thank you dear for reminding me 🙂