Can you really transform your wellbeing by drinking more H2O? I don’t blame you if you’re a bit skeptical. I hear you. But let me tell you – one of the most earth shattering, transforming things you can do to live your best life is improve your hydration.
I’m about to get real basic. You may have all these lofty goals and aspirations. But they don’t mean shit if you don’t start by feeling good. You can’t be your best when you’re dragging.
About two thirds of the body is composed of water. How amazingly significant. Can you imagine what it looks like internally when you’re dehydrated? I mean, practically every cell in your body is awaiting the next drop. So maybe you’re getting the idea of how something as simple as a little water can transform your wellbeing.
Here are just a few things that can happen when you’re dehydrated
- You become tired. You feel like you’re dragging. And even if you go to bed early, you still feel out of sorts.
- You get dizzy spells. This is especially apparent when you move from standing up or sitting down. This isn’t to the level of vertigo but you just generally feel off balance.
- Your skin becomes dry. It’s thirsty even after applying a thick moisturizer. It looks dull, and you look tired even when you’re not. You just don’t look your best.
- If dry skin isn’t bad enough, things do get progressively worse. And eventually, your skin loses its natural elasticity. Your skin sags.
- Your metabolism can slow. There’s studies that show that water can help give a boost to your metabolism. When you’re not drinking enough water, you lose this beneficial boost, your metabolism slows, and you’ll have a harder time losing weight.
Still not convinced that drinking more water can transform your wellbeing? There’s more –
As dehydration increases, symptoms get worse.
Did I mention that water is vital to every organ in your body. Your body views dehydration as an emergency. And this can result in your body being way stressed out. We’re talking a rapid heartbeat and heavy breathing. This is a sign to get to the doctor QUICK!
You can even increase your risk for serious diseases like cancer. Inflammation sets the stage for a lot of disease. And since dehydration causes stress, it’s a source of inflammation. And this is how not drinking water can transform your wellbeing in a negative way.
Plus let’s not fail to mention the obvious
Dehydration can be confused with hunger. When you don’t drink water, you start to crave it. You usually associate cravings with food. When you’re body feels like it’s missing something, it usually assumes it is food.
So, imagine this – it’s 4 pm and you barely drank all day. And you feel like you want something – maybe something salty. Or no – maybe you’re craving sweet. No, maybe you’re tired – coffee! Time to go get a salted caramel frappuccino, That way you can hit all your cravings.
But you’ve got it all wrong. And that coffee is so dehydrating. But your body is confused. It thinks it’s doing what is best. This is the true tragedy of dehydration. It leaves your body confused.
Drinking more water is totally sexy
So many of us think of drinking water as boring. Coffee, alcohol and kombucha get all the good press. But water just lives in the shadows. We know it’s good for us. But we’re not sure why we should care.
Drinking water can transform you wellbeing by helping you feel better, live more energetically, look your best, create a better relationship with food, and even protect against diseases like cancer. I mean, that’s pretty sexy if you ask me.
So get a 20 ounce bottle and fill it in the morning. Try to finish it by 2 pm. Then fill it up again and drink that by the time you turn in. And once this becomes habit, start drinking more. It’s all about building a routine. Once you’re used to it, you’ll do it. It’s really no biggie.
Have you set the goal of drinking more water? Well, hopefully now you have some motivation. What’s one thing you can do today that will help you stay accountable to your goal of drinking more water? Let me know in the comments.
I started drinking lots of water in college and have been grateful for developing the habit ever since. I’m always that person who declines others beverages in favor of my “boring” water, lol.
I’m with Jeri–I gave up sodas in college and have rarely had one since. I love water–especially good water. And I thought I was getting my 60 ounces a day, then I got a new water bottle (rockflowerpaper brand) and started to track how many times I fill it up. I was hovering around 50. Not bad, but still, hitting a goal is a hitting a goal! Now I’m kicking butt. 🙂