Bodies come in all different shapes and sizes. I’m a big believer that we need to release the concept body perfection. Just make good choices and live a healthy lifestyle. So if you’ve stopped your progress because you’ll never reach perfection, that stops today. Here are 10 weight loss excuses that are not only inaccurate. They’re stopping you from really being able to thrive in your own life.
It’s all or nothing
An all or nothing mindset is very self-destructive. Let go of this and watch your life transform. Because life is never a straight line. If you let a little curve throw you off, you’ll never succeed. Because there are always curves.
You don’t have enough time
The reality is that everyone has exactly the same amount of time – 24 hours a day. You decide what to do with that time. And even if you can’t devote large chunks of time to your health, you can still string together small amounts of time. Don’t have time to cook? There are meal delivery services. No time to exercise? What about just doing some jumping jacks. Excuses about time will stop you only if you let them.
This isn’t the right time
Ahh, we’re making excuses about time again. Maybe there’s that diet-breaking vacation coming up. Maybe you have family coming in from out of town. Why should they stop you from getting healthier? Isn’t it better to live healthier and cheat a little than do nothing at all? I’m betting on the fact that you know the answer to this one.
Packing on extra pounds as you age is normal
I will say that gaining weight over the years is common. But common doesn’t equal normal. If you visit cultures that don’t eat as much processed, sugar-infused food, you’ll see older people who are overwhelmingly in good shape. This is normal. So don’t let blending in stop you from making strides forward.
You have a genetic predisposition to being overweight
Something like this is extremely rare. Most likely you are genetically predisposed to inflammation, blood sugar imbalances or food sensitivities. Which all lead to weight gain. But these are problems that can be rectified by an anti-inflammatory diet and supplements. Focus on curing the inflammation and these excuses will lose their power quickly.
You don’t have willpower
Well that’s a silly one. Of course you do.You’re just making excuses. Willpower is a choice. You can choose to follow through or you can choose the opposite. But just because you choose one doesn’t make you incapable of the other. So next time you say you don’t have willpower, rephase that. You’re making that choice.
You don’t want to stop enjoying food
You don’t want to eat bland, tasteless food? Fancy that..neither do i! Eating healthy isn’t about eating food that sucks. It’s about finding cleaner ways to eat food you love. There are so many magnificent ways to eat healthy. If you’ve never experienced them, now is a great time to start.
Eating healthy is too expensive
There are inexpensive ways to get more nutrition into your food regimen. Buy frozen vegetables. Heck, buy them when they’re on sale and stock up. Make a healthy vegetarian chili with beans as your protein. Get the 16 ounce container of yogurt instead of buying individual cups. There are tons of ways to make healthy eating economical.
You can’t get yourself to start
Not ready to jump in? How about getting your toes wet. Any step towards health is a positive one. Don’t think of living a healthy lifestyle as something you start. Because you can’t think of the word start without the word end. Think of transition to a healthier lifestyle to last a liftime
You’ll just fail anyway
This is the worst of all the excuses. Your past doesn’t dictate your future. Failing doesn’t make you a failure. It teaches you. It shows you that you need to try in a different way. Great success rarely comes without failure in any aspect in life. So don’t write off your health goals just because you didn’t achieve them on the first try. Go back to #1. It’s not all or nothing!
No more weight loss excuses
Weight loss excuses are lame. Because they’re, for the most part, not real. Life contains obstacles.There’s going to be a tomorrow whether you get around that obstacle or not. You’re life will be much more fulfilled if you choose growth over fear and complacency.
So here’s my advice. Choose growth. What do you have to lose?
I have gained a ton of weight since my mom passed earlier this year. It’s not an excuse, but it is what it is. I will take it off when I am ready.
Sorry to hear about your mom. I went through such a hard time when my mom passed too. I definitely agree that in times of extreme hardship, you have to be forgiving of yourself and just give yourself a break
There’s never a good excuse to not workout or live a healthier lifestyle. There’s a solution if you really want to push through with the exercise, and there are all types of excuses if you really don’t want to do it.
I have used a couple of those over the years and they are so bad. I will use this post as further motivation to keep working out and avoid the excuses.
Ooohh, so many of these things I can relate too. I am an all or nothing type when it comes to weight loss. I also feel like the older I get the harder it is, so I have to work harder, and don’t have the will power.
That’s totally not in your head. It totally gets harder as we get older (especially for us women.) I totally fall into all or nothing thinking too so I always have to stop myself.
Great post, i’ve been struggling with not being able to get out and be active since our car crash last year when we were hit by a drunk driver. I ended up with 3 broken limbs and was in a wheelchair for almost 5 months. I just want to be able to even go for a simple walk again!
How horrible! I get so passionate against drunk drivers. It is so horrible and hurts so many lives. You’ll get there. Be patient and recognize that sometimes you’re just going to have extra challenges. And appreciate every teeny tiny step you take forward. So sorry you have to go through this.
Sometimes I feel there really isn’t much time in the day. I think I just need a schedule and to literally pencil it in so I know it’s something on the list I need to do because as the day ends and I’m done with my house work I’m tired. Haha!
Very true, they are just excuses that don’t hold any weight. I have been guilty of some of those from time to time. Thanks for the motivation!
Okay, okay. Geez, get out of my mind already. Lol. I had a baby this summer and I keep putting off weight loss, but I really need to lose at least a few pounds or I won’t fit into my pants when the weather gets cold!
I hate the excuse that eating healthy is expensive. I do agree that eating ORGANIC can be expensive but oftentimes, healthy non-organic options are so significantly less expensive in my opinion.
So true. I don’t purchase everything organic. I pick the foods that have the most pesticides to eat organic and buy many cleaner foods non-organic. It is way too expensive otherwise.
I get stuck in the all or nothing mentality. If I can’t work out everyday then I might as well not do it all. Once a week won’t do any good. Eating well three out of seven days is pointless. Blah blah blah.
The little things really do count…it’s never all or nothing 😉
If you have struggled with your weight for very long, you know that losing weight, or even maintaining a healthy weight has very little to do with willpower. There are many psychological and physiological factors at play. I think one of the real keys is to stop looking at it as something to get through and start looking at it as a process – a journey. For many of us, even when we are doing everything right, even when we are embracing the process, it is a lifelong challenge.
Yes! Definitely a journey! It wasn’t until I embraced that idea that I made lasting change in my own body.
I’ve been saying these excuses for far too long and it’s awesome to just go and workout! I often feel great after exercising and I find that I’m more productive as well. It’s time we stopped with these excuses and just start exercising!
I can recall using several of these excuses throughout my lifetime. Even if I didn’t say them out loud I thought them subconsciously, and your thoughts impact your decisions.
I totally agree that we need to let go of the idea of body perfection. We are all uniquely created, and it may have taken me a long time to figure it out, but it sure is healthy.
Oh boy. I feel like you were talking right to me. I am full of excuses why I cannot lose weight.
I absolutely love this! The amount of times I hear these excuses and actually they are just reasons to hold yourself back! Time to be honest about our intentions and get what we want!
Oh my gosh – these are so true. The biggest one is “This isn’t the right time.” Honestly, there is never a right time because there are always holidays, vacations, special events or life stresses that get in the way of starting.
Whenever I tell myself there isn’t enough time, I figure I’m just avoiding something.
A proper mindset is the key, though, and it is so important to get that going, regardless of any excuses. Once you have a proper mindset, there are no excuses! 😉
You’re so right. And that can be the hardest part because part of the obstacle can be subconscious.
Every time I think I don’t have the time for something like cooking or getting some writing done, I ask myself how many times I picked up my phone to scroll mindlessly through this or that newsfeed. It’s amazing how much time all of us waste in a given day and how much more we can fit in by using it more wisely. As I shift to eating less processed foods, I’ll be doing a lot more cooking and I am making the time to do so.
Such a good point. Most of us spend so much time online (I’m guilty) and so we have more time than we think.
I’ve used all these excuses. For me, I have to take baby steps and change one thing at a time. In the past I’ve gone all out and then burned out on exercise and diet food.
I’ve used them too. Love the idea of taking baby steps.
i will say, my biggest excuse is getting started, I start, but then stop. I wish I could just maintain like I use to when I was younger
This is absolutely TRUE! I think, I don’t have enough time is the biggest I hear when I try to convince others to join me in a work out. Let’s be real, we are only talking 60mins about 3-4 times a week. One hour people can spare. But like you said — they are inexcusable excuses.
Thrifting Diva
While I don’t want to lose weight I use the excuse of not having enough time, when like you said it should not be an excuse that we use. We need to learn to prioritize!
So true. I’ve used that excuse in other areas of my life when I shouldn’t, too.
There are plenty of people who are labeled “over weight” yet super healthy and still feel good about themselves. I think it is a common misconception that skinny = healthy. I carry extra weight and I love to work out. My intention is over all health vs weight loss. My body is amazing at any size. ❤
I agree with this. Often times, I will be honest I always say I do not have time. From the time I wake up to taking care of my babe, to editing sessions, getting galleries delivered and then working on all the backend stuff, but to be honest that’s an excuse, because I could always take 30 minutes of a break and use that time to really push myself to do better.
So agree with all of these. Especially the age one, that really irks me! Then I find out they are younger than I am, and I’m really irked!!! Age is just a number!
These are excellent. I have probably said every single one of these excuses to myself over the past few years. It has to be a priority.
This is a GREAT list and I can’t wait to share it around! I’m sure I’m guilty of some of them over the years.
The one that I’m protesting, at 58, is: Packing on extra pounds as you age is normal.
I so totally think that’s BS and exercise every day to fight against it. You’re right, too, about other countries. I’ve traveled enough in Europe to know that weight and age do not have to go together.
I have a suggestion regarding the “Eating healthy is too expensive” excuse:
If you get a bunch of grocery store flyers in the mail every week, spend some time looking them over – they can be very helpful in tracking down good deals on produce and other healthy foods.
Hey Andy..thanks for the idea. You actually inspired my next post…stay tuned!
You’re completely right. I’m really working this year on letting all the excuses go and getting my butt in gear. Starting off strong!