Here’s a little truth bomb about me. While I’ve been passionate about healthy eating for years, the workout end of the equation never came easy. But back in December 2016, I decided I was going to conquer this exercise beast once and for all. And while it has been challenging, it’s also been so rewarding. And that’s why I want to talk about YouTube workouts today. Full disclosure: I got in … [Read more...] about Great Women’s YouTube Workouts: From Beginner to Advanced
New Year’s Day Activities to Blast Into Your New Year’s Goals
I’m not a big fan of New Year's Resolutions. Not that I’m not a fan of change for the positive. I just think change is a gradual progression rather than an overnight transformation. However, I believe that New Year’s day can be a great symbolic jumping point to commit to the process of growth. And that’s why I put together a list of these New Year’s day activities. They will help put you … [Read more...] about New Year’s Day Activities to Blast Into Your New Year’s Goals
My Favorite Songs to Sweat to From the 80s and 90s
I’ve gotten into running this year. Seriously, if you’d told me a year ago that I’d be running on a regular basis, I’d of been like, “stop it!” Rude, I know. But I would’ve never believed you. I’ve always avoided running until now. I'd embraced exercise, but not cardio. And one of the things that really helps me get moving on my most lazy days is my 80s and 90s playlist. Quite frankly, I like … [Read more...] about My Favorite Songs to Sweat to From the 80s and 90s
Boredom Crushing Exercise Classes to Bust Through Workout Blahs
I talked a couple of months ago about my experience with a childhood illness and everything I’ve overcome physically. But here’s something that's been vital to my recuperation. I've realized that I have to approach exercise like little kids approach playing. Boredom is the enemy. And exercise classes should feel like recess instead of work. There are people who just love the feeling of their … [Read more...] about Boredom Crushing Exercise Classes to Bust Through Workout Blahs
The Best Type Of Exercise For Weight Loss
What's the best exercise for weight loss? This is a bit of a misleading question. Because everyone’s looking for that magical move that will shed fat from their belly or perfect their butt. Wouldn't it be nice if all it took was one exercise? But what I can give you is something even better. Because the best exercise for weight loss doesn’t come from a certain move. It comes from an approach … [Read more...] about The Best Type Of Exercise For Weight Loss
How A Childhood Illness That Left Me Weak, Made Me Strong
Let’s travel back to the later 1900s. A time when most kids still had gym class every day and where children didn’t have as many electronics so they'd go out and play. And where being unathletic meant you had to struggle daily to not look like a ridiculous fool. This is where my story begins The start of my unathletic journey But first a little history about me. So when I was four years old, I … [Read more...] about How A Childhood Illness That Left Me Weak, Made Me Strong
15 Ways To Distract Yourself Before Binging
Picture this. It’s 8pm and you stuck to your diet today like a pro. But that craving monster is starting to rear its ugly head. It screams, “eat that chocolate bar”. What chocolate bar you ask? Oh, you know. The one you hid in the bottom of the pantry. The one you hoped you'd forget about. But your brain knows it’s there and wants it now! So how do you distract yourself before binging and let that … [Read more...] about 15 Ways To Distract Yourself Before Binging
Hiking: The Adventure Begins Here!
My Reason to Hike Things that I crave in no particular order: the beach, rolling hills and calmness outside the bustle of my normal city life. The great think about hiking? It enables me to experience all three (though maybe not all at the same time!) Let's get one thing straight. I'm a health and diet coach who helps you heal your relationship with food. I'm certainly not a natural athlete. I … [Read more...] about Hiking: The Adventure Begins Here!
12 Easy Ways to Detox Daily
Detox has become a trendy catch phrase. But detoxification is serious business. And given that we are eating, absorbing and breathing many more toxins that any other generation in history, we all need a little help with detoxification. Toxic build-up can cause inflammation, depression, allergies, weight gain and serious illnesses. So implementing ways to detox daily is essential for good … [Read more...] about 12 Easy Ways to Detox Daily
6 Diet Tricks You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner
' Starting a diet is easy. Staying on it is hard. And the worst part of diet failure is that you feel that you've failed yourself. You increase your chances of staying on track by creating a better weight loss plan. How do you do that? Well, here are 6 secret diet tricks to make your next diet your last one. Look to past failures before moving forward It amazes me that many people start a … [Read more...] about 6 Diet Tricks You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner